Richmond, B.C., mayor critical of province after suspended supportive housing project resumes


The province of British Columbia has revived a six-storey supportive housing project in Richmond, B.C., at its original location after initially suspending it and promising to look into alternative sites. As Michelle Ghoussoub reports, the project’s revival is under fire from some community groups.


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Residents, opposition MLAs voice concerns about Richmond supportive housing proposal

Richmond News

Three opposition BC Conservative MLAs from Richmond and members of Keep Richmond Safe are calling for more consultation and “transparency” on a supportive housing project in Bridgeport that was re-announced on Thursday.

Newly elected MLA for Richmond-Queensborough, Steve Kooner, said more “transparency” and consultation with the neighbourhood is needed on the 90-unit project proposed at the corner of Cambie and Sexsmith roads.

The province pressed pause on this project in late August after significant neighbourhood opposition. This was seven weeks before the provincial election. …

The two modular low-barrier facilities in Richmond, Alderbridge and Aster Place, were meant to be temporary and the intention is for their residents to move into the new building at Cambie and Sexsmith, Richmond Mayor Malcolm Brodie told the News.

“If it doesn’t go through, what’s going to happen to those other two locations?” he asked.

As for neighbourhood concerns about low-barrier housing, Brodie said the city has done a lot of work to minimize the impact of the two facilities on the neighbourhood.

“We would want to see the highest standards (at Cambie and Sexsmith) to mitigate neighbourhood impacts and supports for residents themselves,” Brodie said.

He added he hasn’t made up his mind yet whether he’ll support rezoning the site so the project can move ahead, as there’s “a lot of road between now and decision time.” …

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Behind the Canada Line’s New Stop, Years in the Making

The Tyee

How to pay for a new rapid transit station?

The City of Richmond raised the funds by slapping a levy on new development, a novel approach that proved to pay off.

Mayor Malcolm Brodie touted the strategy as a “win-win.”

The brand new Capstan Station is a rare addition to an existing line of the TransLink public transportation network. Located between the Bridgeport and Aberdeen stations of the Canada Line, it had its grand opening just before Christmas.

Plans for Capstan Station have been long in the making and predate the opening of the Canada Line for the 2010 Winter Olympics.

The City of Richmond had been hoping to finance the station with a contribution from the developers of a massive project at the Capstan intersection. But in 2009, plans for Sun Tech City — comprising 16 highrises and some 2,000 homes by Concord Pacific and Pinnacle International — were scrapped in the wake of the recession.

In 2012, Richmond tried again.

In return for bonus density, the city charged developers in the area a levy of about $8,500 per new home built.

Richmond needed to raise $27.8 million for the new station, with the rest covered by TransLink. The city estimated that it would have collected that amount by 2027.

Surprisingly, the development boom was greater than anticipated. Richmond had the amount in hand by 2018, which meant that the station could be completed by 2022. …

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Letters: What’s the ‘brouhaha’ over Richmond mayor’s salary?

Richmond News

Dear Editor:

Re: “Richmond councillor wants elected municipal officials’ salaries consolidated”

I guess I am missing the point in the brouhaha over what Mayor Malcolm Brodie makes in salary.

Mr. Brodie is paid $198,000 for running a city of approximately 220,000 people…no easy task.

All of the other stipends are part of a system that he has no control over.

If Mr. Brodie does the work (which I am sure he does very well), he deserves the pay for it. …

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Richmond council okays consolidated reporting on salaries but pushes back on attendance records

Richmond News

All of Richmond city council voted Monday (Jan. 20) to publish consolidated reports about how much the mayor and each councillor earns.

While these reports are made public separately – published by entities such as Metro Vancouver, TransLink and the City of Richmond – Coun. Kash Heed put forward a motion to have them consolidated and published as one report.

Mayor Malcolm Brodie, however, suggested an amendment to Heed’s motion asking that the city also publish the attendance of himself and councillors at city hall meetings, boards and community events.

“…to have a consolidation of finances, without a consolidation that gives some depth to the analysis, I think is making a mistake,” Brodie told council.

This amendment didn’t pass, however, with Coun. Carol Day saying it would be like “herding cats” to gather this information. …

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Letters: Richmond mayor works hard, says reader

Richmond News

Dear Editor,

Re: “Richmond councillor wants elected municipal officials’ salaries consolidated”

With all the discussion lately coming from Daniel Fontaine, New Westminster city councillor, who started this quest to make the salary of local politicians public and with Richmond Coun. Kash Heed jumping onto the bandwagon, I can only suspect that he will be making a run at Richmond Mayor Malcom Brodie’s position come next election.

Heed seems to be a bit disgruntled at the mayor’s salary, saying that it is excessive even though Brodie works tirelessly for his constituents and the Lower Mainland and serves on many boards.

And compensation for his participation on these fronts is, in my opinion, not nearly enough. …

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Call for more transparency on Metro Vancouver politician pay

Global News

A New Westminster city councillor is calling for more transparency when it comes to compensation given to municipal politicians, many of whom serve on multiple regional boards.

“When you combine all of their expenses, their salaries, their per diems, their chargebacks to a variety of different organizations within Metro Vancouver, it actually paints a very interesting picture,” Coun. Daniel Fontaine told Global News. …

Delta Mayor George Harvie took home $346,780, Port Coquitlam Mayor Brad West earned $342,512 and Richmond Mayor Malcolm Brodie was paid $331,959.

Fontaine said that information should be more accessible.

“I’m calling on Minister Ravi Kahlon to amend whatever provincial legislation is required to make sure the SOFI reports are consolidated so people don’t have to be hunting for this information,” he said. …

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Architect begs to have heritage status removed from Steveston Hotel

Times Colonist

The Steveston Hotel is a “garbage building” with “no architectural value.”

This was the assessment of Kanaris Demetre Lazos of the oldest hotel in Richmond, originally the Sockeye Hotel.

But long gone are the historical architectural features of the building. It’s now a nondescript rectangular building with vinyl siding, small windows that can’t be expanded and no elevator. …

After the presentation, Richmond Mayor Malcolm Brodie referred the item to city staff to look into. …

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City calls for nominations for Richmond arts awards

Richmond News

The City of Richmond is calling for nominations for its annual arts awards.

Nominations are being accepted in six categories: arts education, artistic innovation and excellence, business and the arts, cultural leadership, volunteerism and youth arts.

All artistic disciplines are eligible: culinary, literary, performing and visual arts, as well as craft, environmental arts, new media and social practice.

There will be a $300 prize for the winner in the Youth Arts category, which recognizes an artist 24 years or younger, whose artistic practice demonstrates outstanding promise and commitment to the Richmond arts community.

The award winners will be honoured at a gala awards ceremony hosted by Mayor Malcolm Brodie at Richmond City Hall council chambers in May. …

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Canada Line’s Capstan Station officially opens in Richmond

Richmond News

Transit riders heading to Richmond now have another option to access the city.

TransLink announced the official opening of the new Capstan Station on the Canada Line on Friday.

Located between Aberdeen and Bridgeport stations, the new station will provide service to the Capstan Village area

TransLink said the “rapidly growing” neighbourhood is expected to soon house about 16,00 residents. …

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