National Launch of Love Food Hate Waste in Canada


Two of Canada’s largest food retailers have joined with local and provincial governments and agencies to launch a national Love Food Hate Waste campaign today, which aims to change Canadians’ behaviours around food and dramatically reduce the significant amount of food wasted across the country every day.

Canadians are among the worst of the developed nations when it comes to food waste, with about 47 percent of food waste occurring in the home. More than 60 percent of the food Canadians throw away could have been eaten, costing the average Canadian household more than $1,100 per year. In all, 2.2 million tonnes of edible food is thrown out annually, contributing to Canada’s greenhouse gas emissions as well as wasting the resources needed to produce and distribute food to consumers.

“The Love Food Hate Waste campaign is desperately needed to tackle food waste across the country,” said Malcolm Brodie, Chair of the National Zero Waste Council. “The campaign is the first coordinated national approach to help Canadians change their relationship with food. It only takes a small change, such as buying only what we need so food doesn’t spoil or get forgotten in the back of the fridge and is then thrown out.” …

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